I was watching an old TV show earlier today, and I started thinking about all the games I used to play as a kid (most of them are currently residing in the cupboard to my left). Before I started playing xbox games, I played RPGs and MMOs on the computer. An old favourite of mine was Neverwinter Nights, but somewhere between that thought and actually installing the game, I had changed the disc to Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. I started the first mission, and I was instantly transported to my old room where I spent all my time playing games and being "sociable" (chatting on MSN, and any social networking site that my friends lived on at the time), this was when I was a Nerd-in-training. Since then I have levelled up in Nerd at least once a year, I have tried new games, I try to watch Star Trek and other fine shows, and I enjoy reading about the exploits of Batman and Green Lantern. Even though I am writing on Nation of Nerds, I don't think that I am in fact 20th level Nerd. I'm well on my way, I mean, I just started watching Firefly (I know, bad Nerd, it took me a long time, but it's an awesome show) and three episodes in I'm already wondering how they could have cancelled it. I digress...
I am a Heroic-tier Nerd, and Proud to be!
as long as you stay paragon tier