Tuesday, 12 February 2013


It has been a long time since I’ve written anything for the blog, and I know I risk annoying the many (seven) readers that we may or may not have, but I’ve been busy and I don’t think Cam is writing at the moment. But hey, we forgot (hmm, an intentional link to the title).

Anyway, since the last time I posted… not much has happened.

Except... I was invited to a Harry Potter themed birthday party, which, if it’s like the Rocky Horror party last year (of which there are definitely no embarrassing pictures of everyone involved) it will be brilliant. There is however, one downside. I have become what I always feared. A Harry Potter nerd… Because of course, I wasn’t before…

But if, like me, you too are a HP nerd, then I would have to recommend Pottermore.com. Don't know what that is? It doesn't matter, because until last week neither did I. It's a website where you have the opportunity to explore the books in much more detail, be sorted into a house, brew potions and even have wizard duels with other students. I'm in Ravenclaw... He says proudly...

So, for the party I have chosen to be Lupin, because I didn't know how hard it was to find a brown suit and travelling cloak. It's weird, but I'm having more trouble finding a suit than a cloak (thank you Halloween).

I was thinking since it's Valentines Day soon, I'd write about that, maybe a quick quote from Dumbledore, but maybe later when it's actually V-Day.

Anyway, since I have a habit of writing posts and forgetting to publish them, I'm adding part of another post into this one. 

When in Doubt, Always Follow Your Nose

I have just finished watching a brilliant YouTube video (three months ago now), featuring the creation of amazing Minecraft builders. I spent the entire time in shock and awe. At one point a builder stated that if the Mines of Moria were to scale (1:1) it would have taken about 5 hours to walk through, (four days Gandalf, really?) it's 1:2 so I imagine it would still take quite a while, if you don't get lost along the way... [insert evil laugh here]

They built Middle-Earth in Minecraft...

According to the people in the video, they built it by hand. And when I say they built it by hand, I mean everything was built by hand, even the landscapes. They do have a very large team though, so don't feel too bad about your building skills when you do go back to your own world.

If you are interested, here is the first video (there are two others). They don't show you everything, but what they do show you is amazing.

Hope you enjoyed this little compound post.

Farewell Nerds.
And a very early Happy Birthday my Harry Potter loving friend! (Names have been changed to protect the innocent)


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